Thursday, May 16, 2019

Lawning and Fawning

Forgive me Father, for…it’s been a month and a half since my last post.  And I really thought that once I got hooked up online at the new house that I’d actually BE online more.  It hasn’t worked out that way for a number of reasons.  First off, we’re down to one computer, so I have to share.

Secondly, there’s the lawn.

I’ve never owned anything but a manual lawnmower prior to this, because I never had much of a lawn.  Two acres required something more substantial, so I bought my first riding mower.  It’s electric, so I still avoid using fossil fuels to zip around the yard. 

Except I’m not exactly zipping around.  Like I said, this is my first riding lawn mower, and there’s a learning curve.  It’s also a helluva yard.  Big, yes, but it’s also bumpy as hell from ruts left by the construction crews and the former tenants – field mice (they left holes and tunnels everywhere).  It’s mostly field grass with some weeds, clover, and some other unidentified fibrous growth.  And it grows like crazy, so I’m going v e r y slowly over the terrain.  One charge is supposed to be good for two hours or two acres.  I get the two hours, easy, but it takes three installments to get it all done.

So there’s not been much time to be on the computer.  And when I’m online, I spend most of my time in worthwhile pursuits – there’s little time to check the news and Facebook to see what I can rant write about.

And when I do check Facebook, I still see what I saw before I dropped offline.  Fawning.

Some of my friends are Republican and conservative, and many of them think Donald Trump is the greatest thing since sliced bread.  They never have issue with anything he does.  Ever.  And some of them post every conservative meme ever created, and comment with the most glowing verbiage every time someone else makes a similar meme post, or is combative with any liberal (or factual) post shouting to the rooftops that Donald Trump is (a) the greatest President ever, (b) God-like, or (c) God.

No honest debate, no fact-slinging, just the same empty-valued praise like you’d give a silly puppy (who’s a good boy?).  It gets real goopy real quick.  Three examples:

Guy posts a meme on his FB page about the “skyrocketing ratings” for Trump.  Since I saw the news the day before, I commented on the fact that the approval rating had actually “skyrocketed” to 45% from…44%.  All of ONE percent, and with a Margin of Error of +/- 4%, this meant that statistically there was NO MOVEMENT.  After some back and forth, he said he believed that Trump’s approval rating was probably closer to 50% or more, but it didn’t matter, because “I don’t really believe in polls.” 

Pro tip:  If you don’t believe in polls, don’t post about polls.

Guy rants about Democrats, uses usual name calling, and ends with “Their nothing but a bunch of idiots.”

Pro tip:  When calling someone an idiot, it’s a good idea to check your spelling, else you look like an idiot.

This –

Even more amazing were the comments made AFTER the obious was explained.  My favorite was the guy (why is it always guys?) who said, “It’s not bigotry, it’s ignorance.”

Yeah, that makes it all better.  Pro tip:  Think, people, think.

I gotta go mow the lawn.

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