Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Extreme Toadyism

Is Pepe really a toady?  Yup.
Even though Biden won the election and Trump will soon be out of the White House, one of his “legacies” will live on.  We’ve always had sycophants in government, but never to the extreme as we’ve witnessed in the last four years.  One of my marketing professors said the difference between butt kissing and brown nosing was depth perception, but for Trump Toadies, they’ve often gone full bore up the colon.

I can understand why grown men already secure in their position would grovel to Trump while he was all-powerful.  It was obvious that bucking the Trump Train could cost you votes from his loyal cult fanbase, and maybe even your job.   Your loyalty was always a one-way street – he needed you to continue to be loyal in the face of every storm, and in return, you got…well, you were able to be there to continue to be loyal.

That’s about it.

Go against him, and suffer the fate of Flynn, Sessions, McFarland, Spicer, Bannon, Cohen, etc.  One day you're best pals, the next, he hardly knows you and you were only a minor player in the campaign (even when you held the title “Campaign Chairman”).   A quick review of the last four years of hirings and firings sees many of the dearly departed with RUP next to their names (“resigned under pressure”).  No shit, Sherlock.

But like I said, I can understand why some folks with small, shriveled balls would do Dear Leader’s bidding no matter what, as long as Dear Leader held their fate in their hand.  I don’t like it, but I understand it.  But not any more.  He lost, dammit.

I do not understand why anyone with a -R next to his name (and they’re all men, aren’t they) or anyone with a Fox News contract continues to be so damn loyal in the face of this.  Bending over backwards loyal.  I mean, not any more.  Even Putin has acknowledged Biden's legitimacy, so why can't Ron Johnson?  Trump is finished, done for, over.  I mean, what's going on?

It's Extreme Toadyism.

The most prolific example continues to play out in front of us.  Despite a 1-59 court record (good for 3rd place in the NFC East), Trump continues to promise to “see this out” as he has “just begun to fight” (he spelled “Grift” wrong in that tweet).   And every day, he sends millions of emails and personal tweets to his loyal cult fanbase asking for money to “continue the fight so we win.”  And they respond, for some reason, sending Trump millions and millions (wait – isn’t he supposed to be rich?).  And they STILL are sending him money, when all seems like a lost cause.  And in emails to supporters in Georgia, he’s making claims that money is needed to protect those two Republican Senate seats, so SEND MONEY.  Problem is, they money doesn’t go to either GOP candidate.  It goes to him.  The common toady loves to send the rich man money.  Because...I have no idea why.

And even with all of this malarkey, the professional toadies continue to…toad.  The latest example of ET is in the naming of the coronavirus vaccine, as if it actually NEEDS a name.  Generally, vaccines are named with some sort of trade name (see this list) or after their creators such as the polio vaccines of Salk and Sabin.  We’re already calling the COVID-19 vaccine put out by Pfizer the “Pfizer vaccine” as it’s different than the Moderna one or the Janssen one or the AstraZeneca one.  To my knowledge, no vaccine anywhere in the world is named after a political person.

So why name the COVID vaccine after Trump?  Two reasons have been given.

The first was by Geraldo Rivera, who said it should be done to “placate a downtrodden President Trump” (becwause the poor widdle baby lost the election, awwww).  And today in an op-ed in the Washington Post, Marc Thiessen suggested this be done because, “…is the best way for Biden to unite the country.”


Name the vaccine after the guy who called the disease the vaccine treats “a hoax,” downplayed its severity, suggested bleach and black lights and hydroxychloroquine as treatments…and is pretty much the whole reason that the COUNTRY ISN’T UNITED?  THAT GUY?

Damn.  That is some seriously ass-flogging.  Of course, Rivera is a known hack, but some folks might be familiar with Thiessen’s history of arse-licking; he also thinks the best way for Biden to unite the country is with a Republican Senate, and he looks forward to Trump rewinning the White House in 2024 (my fave is calling Trump “…one of the best conservative presidents in modern history — if you turn the sound off”).  Like that’s a possibility.

I used to think Republicans fawning over Saint Ronnie Reagan was the worst thing, ever.  Putting him on the dime and all of that (even Nancy wasn’t on board with that shit).  There was even a call to add a fifth head to Mount Rushmore of Reagan (it went nowhere, thankfully).

It’s a wonder the Trump Toadies haven’t floated THAT idea yet.

Shit – OH WAIT!

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