Monday, December 21, 2020

Part Two of Four Freedoms, Revisited

Yesterday we revisited two of Roosevelt’s “Four Freedoms” (from his 1941 SOTU speech).  I was of the opinion that with the first two – freedom of speech and freedom of worship – we’re doing OK.  But, boy, the other two…

FREEDOM FROM WANT – Well now that everyone is getting an additional $600, we’re all good, right?

Obviously, I’m kidding.

Even before COVID, the gap between “those with lots of money” and “those with hardly any” was getting larger and larger.  And one of the major reasons for this was the very people who Roosevelt thought should be making that gap go in the opposite direction – the Federal government.  Thanks to two huge tax cuts for the über wealthy and corporations (Bush in 2001 and 2013, Trump in 2017), average Americans are picking up the tab for the super-rich.  Meanwhile, the minimum wage has remained stagnant at the Federal level.

Some states have decided to do something about that, as many have decided to raise the minimum to $10 or more, with some headed to the “magic” amount of $15/hour (that’s a whopping annual salary of $30K).  Strangely enough, if you overlay a map of those states who either have a minimum wage STILL at 7.25 OR LOWER (looking at you, Georgia) with a map of Trump states, it…looks pretty much the same.  OK, not so strange.

So it was bad before, but now, in 2020 thanks to COVID, it’s dire.  More people out of work or at jobs below what they used to be making.  People still working but fewer hours.  Millions scheduled to “face the music” with evictions come January.  And Trump’s latest action is sure to help put food on the table – an Executive Order “prohibiting new federal buildings from being built in anything other than Neoclassical, Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, Beaux-Arts, or Art Deco styles.”

25th Amendment Now, please.


FREEDOM FROM FEAR – Jeebus, isn’t the above enough?

Nope.  Tack on some of this:

  • Hacking of government networks by Russia
  • Right-wing extremists planning massive “Civil War” protesting the election
  • Shortages at food banks
  • Economic insecurity
  • Global warming
  • Hiccups with the Presidential transistion
  • Vaccine distribution problems
  • Murder hornets

You get the idea.  The thing is, every one of those things above is bad, and MADE WORSE by the Trump Administration.  How can one man fuck up so much?

And how can so many gullible fools* continue to support him and send him money?

Worse yet, Trump revels in fear and chaos.  Remember the caravans?  Ebola?  Mexican immigrants who simultaneously will rape and murder us and then take our jobs?  He did nothing but campaign on a message of FEAR FEAR FEAR and the “comforting” thought that “I alone can fix it.”  A man rife with a history of failure and bankruptcies, here to save the world.  Right.

And now, when Americans are just beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, when the new administration is only a month away from taking the oath of office and the vaccine for the coronavirus is being distributed and people are talking about “getting back to normal,” the moron-in-chief is seriously considering a coup d'état to remain in power.  And the Republican Party is complicit.  They’ve done nothing to put America at ease about this situation; offering passive words of “oh, it’ll be fine” but none of them actually standing up to the Orange Clown and saying, “ENOUGH.  Pack your shit and leave.”

The transition of power, when it’s vitally needed to secure proper distribution of the vaccine, to secure our borders (real and online), to put America back together, is compromised and held hostage by a party who is far more interested in remaining in power than in actually doing anything for the average American.

And the vote in Georgia’s runoff elections, which will decide the makeup of the Senate and perhaps the direction the country will go in for the next two years, is expected to be very, very close.

No wonder people are scared.


* Yes, gullible fools.  They’re sending their money to someone who supposedly is one of the richest men in the world.  Think hard about that.

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