Saturday, January 30, 2021

A Dull and Exciting Week

It’s hard to put into words exactly what this past week has been like, but I’ll try. 

I slept well.

I read a novel.  This means I read less in the newspapers.

Along with the better half, I started planning “Garden 2021” – this included ordering a shitload of seeds, buying some new garden beds (for expansion), and making other plans.  We did all that even as snowflakes dotted the front lawn (it didn’t stick).

We watched some old movies (streaming).  This meant I watched less TV news.

I read tweets and FB posts about friends with medical issues, and showed my sympathy and empathy.  The good news is all but one is doing well (the other, sadly succumbed to COVID).  There was far less arguing about the election; who won, who was lying, stuff like that.

I read other tweets and posts about a variety of issues; good stuff, mostly.  Jokes about men and women, stories about snow and summer vacations, new hobbies like watercolors and playing the guitar, and more Bernie memes than you can shake a stick at with mittens on.

In short, it was almost a normal week.

We haven’t had one of those for a long, long time.

Of course, we’re certainly nowhere near “back to normal.”  We learned we won’t come up for the COVID vaccine here in Oregon until late March…or later, depending on supplies (several counties are already out of all vaccines).  We commiserated with neighbors (at a distance, of course), on how long we’ve had to go without being able to sit in a restaurant and have a bit to eat.  We groused as to how our book supply is getting low again, unable to frequent the many library book sales we used to go to throughout the year (OK, only one of us is grousing, and it’s me).

But things are different.  There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, or so it feels like.

Sure, there’s still some carryover from 2020 and the Trump era.  The GOP is the GOP, so of course they’ll do what they always have done lately.  The folks who bitched in October that Biden hadn’t done anything in 47 years are now complaining that he’s doing too much.  Debt and deficit are real things again, and everything must be examined with a “how will we pay for it?” whine of despair.  There are some new BSC folks who actually got elected in heavily Republican districts and they’re making their BSC-selves heard loud and clear.  Of course, the idea that the GOP looks down or even askew on these “fine people” is ridiculous.  Republicans don’t resign over little things like insurrection, racist comments, or death threats.   The last two GOP Senators that I can recall resigning over scandal were John Ensign and Bob Packwood – sex, and sex.  Nothing coming close to traitorous activity.  

Speaking of which, there’s impeachment.  Again.  Like Lucy and the football, we all know how this will turn out, despite what McConnell might have once said, despite the mounting evidence, despite everything.  Some of the Senators who sat and found Bill Clinton guilty of lying about a blowjob will once again give the Orange Foolius a pass on his crimes.  And for the record, let me make this perfectly clear - here's the difference between now and then:

Clinton lied and the damage done was a stained dress.

Trump lied and the damage done was an insurrection where there was damage and destruction and people died – and democracy almost did.

Only one of these is seen by the GOP as worthy of a "guilty" verdict.

So it is with Republicans.  Sex is bad; sedition, not so much.  But their shenanigans are old hat.  I’m trying to look forward, move on.  I realize that “unity” won’t really happen until those responsible are brought to justice, but until the other side sees this as well, we might as all hope for unicorns and rainbows.  We might look forward to 2022 teaching them a lesson, but jeebus, if 2020 didn’t do the trick, what will?

Until then, I’m out in the garden, snow and all.

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