Sunday, January 10, 2021

Justice, not Unity

It’s been a few days since the riot at the White House (aka “coup” or “insurrection” or “the first time the Capitol has been attacked since the War of 1812”), and many Americans are still wanting.  Wanting answers to questions like:

  • What the hell happened with some of the Capitol Police?
  • Why the hell wasn’t the National Guard called in sooner?
  • Why the hell wasn’t the National Guard ALREADY THERE?
  • Who was all involved?
  • Who organized this?
  • Who should be held responsible?

A lot of these questions would be best answered by members of the Trump Administration, but seeing as how it’s most likely the Trump Administration who is complicit for all of this, that might prove difficult.

But fear not; the Republicans who have been at Trump’s beck and call are leading the way, making all sorts of public statements calling for…anything but answers.

They want “unity (whateverthehell that means).  They want is to “move on” – y’know, forgetaboutit, sweep it under the rug, what’s past is past – the usual tropes they pull out whenever there’s wrongdoing and their complicit.

What they’re calling for is “healing” by ignoring the issue.  Just like when you have a urinary tract infection – just ignore it and it will heal.


Not only do we want answers to what happened, we want accountability for it.  Is it too much for the party of “law and order” to want some law and order?  Is it too much for the party of personal responsibility to want personal responsibility now?

It seems so.

They don’t want Biden or Congress to waste time impeaching Trump a second time, mostly because they’d have to decide, once again, to either do the right thing or continue to support a lying, traitorous party member.  Y’know, just like they did the last time, back in March.  Or, more recently, during the confirmation of the results of the Electoral College.

And we know how well THAT turned out.

Worse yet, Mike Pence.  Of all the Trump enablers, he’s the worst.  And I almost feel sorry for him.  Almost.  I mean, he could have been killed on Wednesday.  He was a target; that we know.  Trump was pissed as hell at him, and he fueled his anger into that raging mob who went looking for him.  And Trump never checked up on him during the siege, just to see if he was safe.

Despite all of that, Pence wants to wait it out another week and a half.  Like fellow suck-up Lindsey Graham, he feels the worst is behind us and that there’s no need for either impeachment or invoking the 25th Amendment.

Jeebus.  Lookie here:


Does THAT sound like the worst is over?

We must get rid of that traitorous bastard NOW – impeach!

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