Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Don’t Sing Kumbaya Just Yet

This has nothing do to with the article, but it's funny as hell.

It’s apparent to almost everyone that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will be our next President/Vice President come January.  The stock market had a big rally, foreign leaders have been calling them to congratulate, and pretty much the rest of the world has let out a big sigh of relief, “WHEW – thank God/Allah/Jehovah/Krishna/Whomever THAT’S over.”

Everyone, that is, except Republicans.

Lead by the “Great Denier,” the GOP just KNOWS there’s been massive fraud at the polls, just like in 2016 (except then, for some strange reason, Trump won).  Despite everything they did before the election (limit voting, limit drop boxes, purge voting rolls, make it harder to register and harder to vote, slow down the Post Office, scare the living shit out of everyone, cause thousands to die of COVID, etc.), Joe & Kamala won.  You can make the case thusly: “Yes, there’s was cheating, but it’s apparent that Trump didn’t cheat enough.”

But instead of a smooth transition to power, we’re stuck.  Trump will not concede and most of the Republican Party is helping him impede any progress to a transition.  Compare what happened in 2016 – Trump squeaks by in three states, loses the popular vote by three million, and everyone moves on (OK, Trump called “foul” and claimed there was massive fraud and set up a commission once he was in office and they found absolutely nothing).  This time Biden won the popular vote by almost 5 million, flipped five states handily (and might do one or two more), and…here we are.  In short – IT’S NOT THAT CLOSE – let’s move on!

Now my purpose here isn’t to talk about the stall and the lawsuits or any of that.  What we know about the lawsuits filed so far (I am certain there will be more) is that they’re a bunch of bunk.  For example – in Arizona they’re disputing a total of 180 ballots in Maricopa County.  That’s it.  Trump trails in Arizona by more than 14,000.  That 180 won’t do squat.  In Pennsylvania most experts believe the suit there is already DOA, a jumbled mess that one expert says, “…has a very 'throw it all at the wall and see what sticks' feel…".  And similar suits in Georgia and Michigan are also expected to fail.

And isn’t it funny that there was ALL THAT FRAUD and the ONLY election affected was TRUMP?  Weird, huh?

Anyway, we can expect the lawsuits to continue, the Republican denial to continue, and their support of Trump and his foolishness to continue, right to the bitter end.  Well, I can.  The GOP has a history of this stuff.  Obama’s birth certificate.  Sixty-some attempts to overturn the Affordable Care Act.  Merrick Garland.  Amy Coney Barrett.  And all the shit happening now.  Trump’s purge of top officials, Pompeo, McConnell, Johnson, Graham, and Barr all throwing their weight behind whatever Trump wants, building more walls around the White House, refusing the start of the transition process and denying Biden intelligence briefings, etc.  They will continue to get away with as much as they can get away with.  Oh, and fund raise off of it until that dries up, too.  Grifters gotta grift.

I do believe that eventually he’ll be gone, Barr will be gone, Devos will be gone, Jared and the boys and even Ivanka will be gone, and Biden and Harris will take over.  And there will be a great amount of damage done to this country.  Horrible debt.  A gaping deficit.  The COVID crisis.  Unemployment.  Foreign relations.  And whatever shit/crisis Trump stirs up between now and then.

And there will be a cry to mend fences, to work together, to help build back the America we all knew and loved.  Democrats are like that, because frankly that IS the best way to do it.  Work together as a team, for the betterment of ALL Americans, to put aside politics and power games and petty grudges and do the “people’s work.”  And even now, as the Presidency remains from Biden’s grasp by Trump and a Republican cabal determined to hold a “coup” of their own and retain the power they no longer legally have, there’s a call to get along with these same heathens of democracy, to coordinate, cooperate, and reach across the divide to work together.


I would be willing to have Democrats work with the GOP provided the GOP gets it collective shit together and owns up to their massive disparaging of the American people.  THEY have to make the first move, and it has to be more than just “words.”  They’ve said things in the past that sound good, but they show their true hypocritical colors soon enough.  Remember how McConnell said, “Of course” there would be a peaceful transition of power?  He said that BEFORE Trump lost.  Now?  Trump 100% within his rights” to question election results.  Asshole.

They’re ALL like that.  Say one thing.  Do the opposite.  They cannot be trusted.

So no, don’t sing Kumbaya just yet.  Cancel the friendly picnic.  Don’t buy into their bullshit.  Fight, fight, and fight some more.  You know damn well they will.

The only way we can eliminate this scourge from American politics is to overwhelm it at the ballot box.  We are not going to “convince hearts and minds” without a complete overhaul of the Republican Party.  They’ve brought it upon themselves, and the sooner the saner minds get to work, the better.

But don’t expect Democrats to help.  They damn well better not, anyway.  Fuck that.

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