Thursday, November 5, 2020

GOP = Schrödinger's Party

Grab 'em by the Schrödinger pussy!
While we wait for a final POTUS outcome, I thought I’d share a recent thought experiment that proves Republicans, with their tortured logic (and during the Bush Administration, their “torture logic”) are in fact the Party of Schrödinger.

You remember Edwin Schrödinger - He proposed a scenario with a cat in a locked steel chamber, wherein the cat's life or death depended on the state of a radioactive atom, whether it had decayed and emitted radiation or not.  According to Schrödinger, the Copenhagen interpretation implies that the cat remains both alive and dead until the state has been observed.  Of course, Schrödinger did not wish to promote the idea of dead-and-live cats as a serious possibility.  It was just an illustration for his buddy Al Einstein.

The idea that two directly opposite things can both be true even when examined is a hallmark of the Republican Party, especially during the Trump Administration.  Observe:

  • Nominating a Supreme Court Justice nine months before an election is a violation of all that is good and decent, but nominating a Supreme Court Justice while an election is taking place is cool.
  • Asking “how will we pay for it” and worrying about the deficit when discussing stimulus payments or extending unemployment benefits is totally necessary, but asking that same question when discussing tax cut or war is just silly.
  • And, of course, one must count all votes and stop the vote count simultaneously.

All this “Schrödinger-izing” creates a new breed of voter – call them Trumpkins, call them FOTs (Fans of Trump) – I call them “Schrödinger Voters.”  In listening to the babble from Trump and Republican mouths, they exhibit a strange reaction in that they know what they’re hearing is false, and yet, they desperately want to believe it.  Again, observe:

  • They know that Hillary Clinton is not a habitual criminal and there’s no basement in the pizza parlor, but…they want to lock her up.
  • They know that the wall isn’t being built and Mexico is certainly not paying for it, and yet…they want to believe it’s already built and paid for.
  • They know ObamaCare sucks and a shiny new Republican Health Care Plan to replace it is coming in two weeks, but…wait, how long has it been?  Well, two weeks from now.

And they gladly appear in Arizona to support counting all the votes and simultaneously in Michigan to stop counting all the votes.  Look how well that worked out in both states. 

I wonder if we can bus some of them to Philly?

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