Friday, November 27, 2020

I was thankful yesterday for a variety of things.  Today I am still thankful.  Here’s my list:

I am thankful that Donald Trump will no longer be “my President” in two months.

I am thankful for my health, and the health of my loved ones.  No thanks to Donald Trump.

I am thankful that all of my relatives live 2000 (or more) miles away, so there was no pressure to get together for Thanksgiving and “tempt fate” (along with the coronavirus).

I am thankful that almost everyone I know stayed home in intimate gatherings and also did not tempt fate.

I am thankful that everyone in my neighborhood (except one) did likewise.  We took a walk yesterday afternoon after our T-day meal (why is it always at some awkward time like 2:30?), and up and down our rural street I only saw one house where a number of cars were gathered in an obvious get-together (yes, spots out here are known for parking dozens of old cars on the property, but none of the cars were up on cinder blocks).  Sadly, if I had to make a wager on which house on our street would have bucked the sage advice and held such a soiree, it would have been this one.  Sigh.

I am thankful that we don’t participate in the Black Friday hoopla.  Like I mentioned earlier, everyone lives some distance away, so we ship for the holidays, and we start EARLY.  Hell, we have about a third of everything wrapped by now, and the only things we haven’t purchased will be shipped directly from the vendor. 

I am thankful for Republican judges like the ones in Pennsylvania (including one Trump appointee) who still know that we’re a nation of laws and not men (and petty men at that).   Today’s ruling should once and for all put an end to the charade that Trump is playing with the already-decided-get-over-it election.  It’s dangerous, and does not help this country move forward, let alone heal.

I am thankful that Joe Biden still believes he can work with the GOP.  Obviously his eight years as Obama’s right-hand man wasn’t enough to convince him that Mitch McConnell and his cohorts will do everything they can to thwart any cooperation and progress for anything Democrats propose to help average Americans (I haven’t said anything about legally or ethically here, BTW).  Now if Joe starts talking about tax cuts for the rich, they might come on board, but only with additional concessions to corporations and a few more conservative judges.  Otherwise Joe will have to learn the hard way.  I do hope he learns quickly, and makes every effort to get a Democratic majority in 2022.

I am thankful that we have a chance of getting a 50-50 split in the Senate come January.  We're all rooting for you, Georgia - do the right thing.

I am thankful for wife.   I rarely mention her online only to protect her privacy (she’s like that), but she is my rock, my beacon, my everything.  I even hum that Barry White ditty from time to time not because I like it (I was never a fan and that was one I hated to see come up in rotation during my DJ days), but simply because of the lyric, “You're the first, my last, my everything.”  Some of the other lyrics are a bit much.

I am thankful for my health.  Yeah, that’s a repeat, but now that I’ve had cataract surgery in both eyes and new glasses, it’s AMAZING to be able to see this clearly.  It’s been a while.

I am thankful that Donald Trump will no longer be “my President” in two months.  Yes, another repeat, but I am really, really, really thankful we won’t have that fucker to deal with soon.  Very soon.

I am thankful that Donald Trump will no longer be “my President” in two months.  It’s worth repeating again.  And again.  I am thankful that Donald Trump will no longer be “my President” in two months.

Aren’t you?

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